Thanks! Can you please tell me where can I find the last ingidient (It looks like some kind of gray can) for potion on level 4? Searched with noclip/editor, still can't find it
Plus. I've found a few more bugs, I'll report them here, if you'll ever wish to fix them
- Level 3, invisible line. Line is somehow connected to the elevator, so it probabbly messes the line up
- Level 3, warp door closes after player enters sand man's chamber, though it can not sometimes, because TV man that appears behind it can block it
- Level 4, at this place there is no line block for bridge at both sides. This way I was able to walk on lava freely, it didn't kill me
- Also there is a way to jump really high using the "Ice anvil" spell, same as rocket jump. It is very fun tough o_o
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Mayhem Mansion (v1.44) comments · Replied to Logic Obscure Productions in Mayhem Mansion (v1.44) comments
How to leave the bombs room (First time you see them as a weapon) on level 3? I kick prisoner's butt with my melee, he vanishes, but then nothing happens. Stone pillar won't move. I just lick this room in and out seeking a solution, throwing bombs at pillar/hint box/ribbon, pressing "Use" on every centimetre of the walls, yet it is absolutely futile. I've been stumbling upon this problem for almost four years of playing MM, I think it's time to solve it (Well, maybe it's just me being stupid as hell). Here's the screen of that room
I'm using latest GZDOOM version